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发布时间:2024-11-25 查看人数:38






公司简介1990年,良图在新加坡作为一家独资公司:lantrovision(s)pte ltd登上时代舞台。公司主要为客户提供安装各种计算机网络电缆服务,以迎合国内外客户的各种需求与通信要求。公司于1992年6月27日重组成为有限公司,2001年8月31日成功上市,并正式更名为lantrovision(s) ltd.我们在新加坡、马来西亚、香港、泰国、越南、菲律宾、日本、韩国、中国(北京、天津、上海、杭州、广州)和台湾主要致力于提供it网络综合布线系统,销售网络综合布线系统及组件,为客户提供安装、维护及网络系统支持等服务、并分销网络设备和组件。综合布线系统能通过电脑、pabx、及其他信息信号的转换和传递为办公楼宇提供出色的信息化交流。此外,为能够最大程度地做好服务,我们正努力完善包括办公室设备搬迁等服务在内的一站式服务。除了综合布线系统外,我们还提供各类媒体技术解决方案,其中包括:设计咨询服务、无线网络及it外购服务等。良图是bicsi的成员(bicsi是一个专业从事信息传输系统(its)的组织),并在2006年获得了iso的资格认证,iso认证体系严格促使我们规范工作进程和工程质量管理。公司客户主要集中在银行、金融业、it和电子制造业,还有如银行、金融业的客户有瑞士信贷集团、摩根士丹利、澳大利亚和新西兰银行集团有限公司、发兴银行等。company profilelantrovision was established by our executive director chan thye yuan as a sole proprietorship in 1990 to supply and install computer cabling which meet customers’ information and telecommunication requirments. lantrovision(s)pte ltd was subsequently incorporated on 27 june 1992 as a limited exempt private company. on 31 august 2001,we converted into a public company and our name was changed to lantrovision(s) ltd.we are engaged in the business of providing it infrastructure cabling services and selling structured cabling systems and components in singapore, malaysia, hong kong, thailand, vietnam, the philippines, japan, south korea, china (beijing, tianjin, shanghai, hangzhou and guangzhou) and taiwan. we provide installation, maintenance and support services for structured cabling systems, and also engage in the distribution of cabling systems and their components. structured cabling systems are the main cabling infrastructure supporting the technological and telecommunications network of offices and buildings and provide the paths by which computer, pabx and other telecommunications signals are transmitted. in addition, to meet with the competition in the market, we have taken great efforts to offer our customers one-stop services that include equipment migration, re-instating of office, etc. besides the supply and installation of structured cabling systems, we provide solutions for media technology which include: consultation and design services and wireless lan and it outsourcing services, etc.we are a member of bicsi (bicsi is a professional association supporting the information transport systems (its) industry),and have achieved the iso certification in 2006. the iso certification process involves periodically subjecting production processes and quality management systems to stringent third-party review and verificationour client base includes the finance & banking, it and electronics/manufacturing industries as well as the government sector. mnc clients have such as credit suisse, morgan stanley, commerce bank and societe generale, etc.公司福利:公司重视每位员工的价值,秉承造就人才的理念,为员工提供富有竞争性的薪酬福利,良好的工作环境,完善的职业发展规划。有意者请将本人中英文简历、个人近照、身份证、学历证明等个人资料复印件邮寄或email至我公司。应聘者请注明应聘职位及联系方式。良图科技(上海)有限公司期待着你的加盟。






