中山市康妮雅服饰有限公司是一间集设计、生产、国内零售、出口贸易于一体、业务遍及全球的大型服装企业,在北京、广州、杭州、河南、重庆等全国十几个中心城市设立了分公司、市场部,以开设专卖店、大型商场销售专柜、特许经销商、加盟店等形式,辐射发展的销售网络遍及全国三十多个省市地区,形成了全国大市场的格局。在立足稳定中国市场的条件下,更进一步拓展欧美、日本、澳洲等海外市场,形成了内、外销协调发展的局面,拥有“conlia”、“维c”、“conlia body”、“2m”四个品牌。核心品牌“康妮雅conlia”在中国家居服装行业中占有举足轻重的地位,历年来屡次获得、部级颁发的多项奖项荣誉。“康妮雅conlia”的品牌目标是:创中国家居服饰第一品牌,并逐步迈向国际化知名品牌。
中山市康妮雅服饰有限公司是一间集设计、生产、国内零售、出口贸易于一体、业务遍及全球的大型服装企业,在北京、广州、杭州、河南、重庆等全国十几个中心城市设立了分公司、市场部,以开设专卖店、大型商场销售专柜、特许经销商、加盟店等形式,辐射发展的销售网络遍及全国三十多个省市地区,形成了全国大市场的格局。在立足稳定中国市场的条件下,更进一步拓展欧美、日本、澳洲等海外市场,形成了内、外销协调发展的局面,拥有“conlia”、“维c”、“conlia body”、“2m”四个品牌。核心品牌“康妮雅conlia”在中国家居服装行业中占有举足轻重的地位,历年来屡次获得、部级颁发的多项奖项荣誉。“康妮雅conlia”的品牌目标是:创中国家居服饰第一品牌,并逐步迈向国际化知名品牌。
康妮雅集团于1983年创建于广东中山,主营服装生产制造与出口贸易。1989年创立“康妮雅”品牌,是中国家居、内衣服饰行业领域的龙头企业。康妮雅品牌赢得了社会的广泛认可,相继荣获“中国名牌”、 “国家免检”、“中国500强最具价值品牌” 等多项荣誉奖项。企业已获得iso9001-2000质量标准体系认证、iso140001环境管理体系认证、18000职业健康安全体系认证。康妮雅拥有5万平方米的现代化工业园区,配备世界一流的生产设备,园区环境宽敞舒适,拥有专业高素质的生产员工3000多人和一批优秀的生产管理人才。生产自营品牌“康妮雅”系列产品同时,对外承接国际知名品牌的oem和odm生产订单。集团公司设有品牌营销中心、国际贸易中心、产品研发中心、品质检测中心、外协生产技术管理中心。集团将秉承“康妮雅关爱每一个”的服务宗旨。以oem、odm高级纺织类制造业为基石,以品牌经营为发展方向,以研发设计、创新服务为价值取向,积极提升本土品牌之国际竞争力,努力打造世界知名品牌为企业奋斗目标! company introduction conlia group was established in zhongshan city guangdong province(prc) in 1983 and has been mainly dealing in garment manufacturing and exporting and founded the brand “conlia” in 1989. brand of conlia has gotten widespread approval from society, and achieved lot of national awards, such as, 'the chinese top brand'、 'national exempting from inspection'、'chinese 500 most valuable brands' and so on. jindu garment factory receive certification of iso9001-2000 qulity standard system, iso140001 enviomental management system and health&safty standrad system. occupying almost 50,000 square meters in xiaolan industrial zone, conlia’s modernizing industry park was equipped with advanced facilities. there are more than 3000 professional workers and a management team rich of experience.except for manufacturing series products under brand “conlia”, we also accept the oem and odm production orders from international famous brands. conlia group has set up r&d center、quality inspection center、brand marketing center、international trading center and external cooperating manufacturing technology management center. conlia group holds four well-known brands including “conlia” upscale housewear、“body”sexy underwear、“2m” personality living clothing and “c-life” healthy living housewear. conlia group will takes the high-class garment manufacturing as basic and marked the brand business as developing orientation, considering design and innovative service as valuable capability.conlia has been endeavoring to accomplish the target “to be one of the best domestic brand in the world”。
康妮雅集团于1983年创建于广东中山,主营服装生产制造与出口贸易。1989年创立“康妮雅”品牌,是中国家居、内衣服饰行业领域的龙头企业。康妮雅品牌赢得了社会的广泛认可,相继荣获“中国名牌”、 “国家免检”、“中国500强最具价值品牌” 等多项荣誉奖项。企业已获得iso9001-2000质量标准体系认证、iso140001环境管理体系认证、18000职业健康安全体系认证。康妮雅拥有5万平方米的现代化工业园区,配备世界一流的生产设备,园区环境宽敞舒适,拥有专业高素质的生产员工3000多人和一批优秀的生产管理人才。生产自营品牌“康妮雅”系列产品同时,对外承接国际知名品牌的oem和odm生产订单。集团公司设有品牌营销中心、国际贸易中心、产品研发中心、品质检测中心、外协生产技术管理中心。集团公司拥有:conlia高级家居服饰品牌、body性感内衣服饰品牌、2m个性生活服饰品牌、c-life健康生活服饰品牌。集团将秉承“康妮雅关爱每一个”的服务宗旨。以oem、odm高级纺织类制造业为基石,以品牌经营为发展方向,以研发设计、创新服务为价值取向,积极提升本土品牌之国际竞争力,努力打造世界知名品牌为企业奋斗目标! company introduction conlia group was established in zhongshan city guangdong province(prc) in 1983 and has been mainly dealing in garment manufacturing and exporting and founded the brand “conlia” in 1989. brand of conlia has gotten widespread approval from society, and achieved lot of national awards, such as, 'the chinese top brand'、 'national exempting from inspection'、'chinese 500 most valuable brands' and so on. jindu garment factory receive certification of iso9001-2000 qulity standard system, iso140001 enviomental management system and health&safty standrad system. occupying almost 50,000 square meters in xiaolan industrial zone, conlia’s modernizing industry park was equipped with advanced facilities. there are more than 3000 professional workers and a management team rich of experience.except for manufacturing series products under brand “conlia”, we also accept the oem and odm production orders from international famous brands. conlia group has set up r&d center、quality inspection center、brand marketing center、international trading center and external cooperating manufacturing technology management center. conlia group holds four well-known brands including “conlia” upscale housewear、“body”sexy underwear、“2m” personality living clothing and “c-life” healthy living housewear. conlia group will takes the high-class garment manufacturing as basic and marked the brand business as developing orientation, considering design and innovative service as valuable capability.conlia has been endeavoring to accomplish the target “to be one of the best domestic brand in the world”。